It’s been ages since I last wrote anything for the blog so I thought I better get something down to try to get the habit back. The truth is I’ve just had such an unbelievable amount of work recently that I just haven’t had any time to do it. Order lead-times are now stretched to six weeks even working flat out 7 days a week!
Today I’ve been making bay window poles as part of a big order for a house in Cirencester using my new bending machine. I’ve invested in new machinery for bending bay poles more efficiently but it’s been a bit of a trial by fire to be honest. With having to work out new bending offsets, springback and bending plane settings it’s taken me twice as long as normal. I know I’ll speed up when I’ve had a bit of practise; it does produce incredibly accurate work though.
Today I’ve also had a large order that’s been specified by The National Trust through a building developer although this one is for straight, Ball & Collar poles and hold-backs in Tradtional black finish.
Yesterday I sent off a large 16mm curved and angled bay pole which is to fit within a Seven Bend Bay window with wall fixings. This means the centre bracket has to be shaped to the wall angles and in this case it had to have a 120mm projection to clear a window sill.
Here’s the photos below…