Bought a laser measure months ago with the intention of using it to measure up for local bay windows but never got round to advertising the service or using it. Today I had an appointment to measure up and thought I’d try it out on a bay window in a house in Honeybourne. It was pretty useless! It measures incredibly accurately if you can hold it steady enough but it’s so difficult to keep it from moving around when measuring from corner to corner over a 3 – 4m distance. I persisted far too long with the damned thing before finally admiting it was no silver bullet. Anyway, the moral of the story… the very quickest and best way to measure a multi-angled bay window is with a decent tape steel tape measure and an angle finder, especially if you’re measuring a large bay without help.
Had some more nice emailed feedback from customers today:
“Hi Stephen,
Thanks for the poles, lovely job, nice finish, fitted perfectly, great to (see) someone making something well nowadays.
“Hi Stephen
I just wanted to thank you so much for the curtain poles. They are all up and look wonderful in the room.
Have a great Christmas
Thank you too, Pete Ketchen and Lucy Bishop, much appreciated.