Worked out that I need to make at least one and a half bay window poles and four straight poles a day, every day, up to the 21st which will be the last despatch day before Christmas! Everything else will have to go on the back-burner until the pole orders are done.
I had a nice email from one of my Danish orders saying all had arrived safely and how pleased they were with the “Stopper in Beeswax pole”. It’s to go above this door…
Might add a dedicated testimonials page to the website as I must get several a week… I’m just not sure whether anybody believes testimonials these days!
We went out for a meal last night and there were those Edison type lights eveywhere, hanging on wrought iron hooks from the ceiling in the restaurant. It made me think again about doing a range of lighting, although this particular type seem to be more decorative than functional. Most designs seem to be have the bulb itself as the main feature which is simply framed; very easy to make! I’ll post some design ideas or photos when I get a chance to make some prototypes, although I also have an oversized, 4ft wrought iron clock to make first thing after Christmas as well as the usual poles.