Haven’t really got a great deal to say at the moment but don’t want to lose momentum writing the blog so I thought I better say something. I think I’m just a bit tired after another busy week. I’m still trying to catch up with a backlog of work… slow suppliers don’t help either. Loads of interesting work is coming in at the moment though. I think I’ve done 8 quotes so far this evening, and a few nice orders, so another reason why I’m not writing much as I still have more to do (sorry to anyone still waiting but I should be caught up tonight) . Some interesting stuff is coming in, such as a couple of double curved bays with Passing brackets and rings (I like a challenge!). I’ve had a few overseas enquiries from Australia, Denmark (again), Sweden, USA and quite a few orders for Curtain poles with Flared Ball finials all of a sudden. It’s really weird how a particular design is suddenly in demand as though it’s the result of a collective decision made somewhere. I had a rush on Arrowhead curtain poles a few months ago but they seem to have gone off the boil a bit now.
Well, I better get back to the quotes!