Today at work

This is the start of a blog which is just going to be about daily goings-on at work making curtain poles and such, at least to start with. It’ll probably just be stuff like questions customers have asked on that particular day and any general news.

Just to get the ball rolling, today I was asked  whether the width of a French Style pole includes the Return bends (i.e. not just the straight before the pole turns). The answer is that the width does include the bends. I’ll add a drawing to the website to show this soon.

Another question today was whether my curtain poles are on display in any National trust properties around the Colchester area. I don’t know the answer to that as I tend to deal with the developers who The National Trust have specified my curtain poles to and I don’t always know where they end up! I remember doing some Trust work for somewhere near Cambridge not so long ago but that’s probably a bit of a hike.

I’ve been dealing with several orders and enquiries from Denmark which are on the go at the moment; usually most interest is from France, Italy and Switzerland but Denmark is top of the continental list at the moment.

Today I completed an order for several long Stopper poles in Beeswax. I also started a couple of Bay poles destined for a lady in the Scottish Highlands who I’ve made many poles for over the years. These will be the 8th and 9th bay window poles she’s ordered!